Travel to Saint Petersburg

  I would like about our trip to St. Petersburg to medical centre “Prognoz Med” which we visited thanks to funding donated by warm-hearted people. We left with a diagnosis – childhood autism which was established at children hospital in…

The rain People

Once again it is time to return to a very painful issue – disorder in the medical system of Latvia; everybody is ready to discuss it since everybody has got experience – positive or negative….


Autumn has come in all its glory – with colourful falling leaves, harvest works and autumnal and bright sun which interchanges with “mushroom” rain. (more…)

Summer twenty-four hours camp “Healing power of nature”

For the second year in a row, the association “Autism Support Centre in Rēzekne” in collaboration with the Administration of Latvian Environmental Protection (more…)

Two times special kids

Latvian Autism association gives you electronic book “Divkārt īpašie bērni”, this book were made with psychologist Zane Kronberga, future psychologists Sintija Ērgle, “ASNI” fund and many others. ipasie-berni-2015.pdf