Autism cannot be cured and one cannot grow out of it. However, progress in communication and social adaptation skills can and needs to be achieved. It will not come easy. How can you personally help? With understanding and acceptance. It will be good for your own peace of mind and for children with special needs, and this world will become a little better.
At #LNKIndustries we continue supporting children with autistic spectrum disorder in Rēzekne, enabling them to have individual developmental sessions under the guidance of the best specialists. The children really need these sessions, and we are very happy to see that it helps them to combat the consequences caused by the disease and to become socialised.
240 individual sessions with a physiotherapist, 120 sessions with a social pedagogue, 120 sessions with a speech and language pathologist, 120 sessions with a special education teacher, 60 sessions with an osteopath, 120 music therapy sessions, and more, and more, and more – a total of 804 individual sessions in just 3 months.
LNK Charitable Foundation has been supporting the society “Autism Support Centre in Rēzekne” for several years, including the project “Organising Individual Developmental Sessions for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Rēzekne”. Thanks to the funding provided by the Foundation, 123 children with special needs from the regions of Rēzekne, Ludza, Viļāni, Kārsava, Preiļi, and Līvāni have attended these sessions.
Overall, from September 2020 until the end of 2021, LNK Charitable Foundation has supported individual sessions worth nearly 12 000 EUR. Since continuity of the sessions is very important, we are continuing this support until December 2021.
If you wish to join us too and improve the lives of these children, we encourage you to support the society “Autism Support Centre in Rēzekne”:
#LNKLabdarībasFonds #Labiedarbi #vissnotiek