Training class

The association “Autism Support Centre in Rēzekne” now has its own training room!


Thanks to the support of many contributors, a room on Metālistu iela 2, Rēzekne, is redecorated and adjusted. You can find a list with all contributors on our homepage (section Supporters). In this room, the association “Autism Support Centre in Rēzekne” has arranged training room, where the following classes are organized for the children with special needs:


  • classes with an ergotherapist;
  • classes with a speech therapist and audio speech therapist;
  • music and art therapy;
  • sand and water therapy;
  • classes with a special education teacher.


Knowledgeable professionals.who comprehend particularities of autism, work with the children. They are interested in activities with these children, for instance, audio speech therapist Baiba Čodore, who permanently works at rehabilitation centre “Vaivari”, ergotherapist Liene Biķerniece from Līvāni County and special education teacher Ilona Bruskovska. The association has successful collaboration with music school “Yamaha” – its teacher Iveta Ķepule offers for the children interesting and exciting classes of music therapy. In our training room, classes are offered also by new graduate – speech therapist – Laura Bērziņa. Once a month we invite the youth from “Friends Centre” to the training room – they conduct creative workshops. Young volunteers from foreign countries, who have had contact with the children with special needs, are also involved in the workshops. We would like to express particular gratitude to Jānis, Villijs and Marina.


All the mentioned professionals have a good knowledge of the specificity and particularities of autism; therefore, the children participate in the classes from the bottom of their heart! The main priority in our training room is respect towards the children and ability to adapt to every child.


Thanks to financial support from SIA “MOLLER AUTO”, a table for sand cinema, a table for sand and water therapy, as well as other auxiliary materials and equipment, was purchased in order to make the classes exciting and interesting for the children. We thank also to Zane Buharina for soft toys and books.


Thanks to manager of Rēzekne Sport Administration – Nikolojs Krilovs and manager of Sport Centre – Jaroslavs Ivanovs, the classes in a swimming-pool of Rezekne Secondary School No. 5 are available for the children since January this year; the classes are conducted by an experienced and knowledgeable instructor – Aivars Kapužs.


We would like to express heartfelt thanks to a member of Saeima – Ivans Ribakovs, executive director of Rēzekne City Council – RaimondsOļehno, manager of Educational Administration of Rēzekne City – Arnolds Dreilings, director of Rezekne Secondary School No. 5 – Vija Poikāne and the employees of Rēzekne Primary School No. 5 for the provided support in implementation of the idea.

We are expressing particular gratitude to SIA “Projektēšanas birojs AUSTRUMI”, SIA “MS-IDI”, SIA “EV HOLDING” and Vasīlijs Rožkovs for substantial financial support during the existence of our association.


If you wish to support the work and efforts of our association and to help these children to develop and improve, you are welcome to support the association with a donation! It is possible to donate both for the association and for a separate child. The association has the status of public benefit organization, so you will gain tax allowances.


Transfer may be done to a bank account with reference “donation”:



Name: Biedrība “Autisma atbalsta punkts Rēzeknē”
Unified registration No.: 40008190588
Legal address: Kr. Valdemāra iela 4-70, Rēzekne, LV-4601
Bank details:

Name of bank:

IBAN intended for the project: LV09HABA0551034689577


Help yourself via helping others!


Information about the association is available here:


Yours faithfully,

The chairperson of the board of the association “Autism Support Centre in Rēzekne”,

Sandra Bičkova-Šilina