The necessary sum of money: 1400 EUR
The five-year-old twins Anna and Sofija seem to be ordinary girls, but actually they have serious problems. When they were two years old, it became obvious that they differ from other peers: they did not refer to their names, did not speak, did not look into eyes, did not understand what others were talking about, did not communicate with others and did not play with other children. They were just running around. The speaking skills of the both girls corresponded to the level of a 6 months old child, they could only utter some sounds in their own language. The parents consulted physicians and a neurologist made the following diagnosis – autism spectrum disorder. A medication treatment was prescribed. Classes by various specialists, such as psychologist, ergotherapist, special pedagogue, audiologopedist, etc., arranged by the society “Autism Support Centre in Rēzekne”, are very useful for the girls.
The health condition of the girls improved after they had visited St.Petersburg neurology center “Doktryna”; this visit was arranged by help of the society “Autism Support Centre in Rēzekne”. At the mentioned clinic Anna and Sofija underwent all necessary examinations. On the basis of made examinations, the clinic’s specialists elaborated and implemented individual treatment courses – 14 days longs Tomatis therapy and 10 days long transcranial micropolarization courses. These 14 and 10 days long therapy courses gave positive results. The sisters started to refer to their names, started to understand simple everyday instructions, started to communicate with each other and with adults, even to repeat some syllables, although their chaotic speaking “in their own language” remains. Therefore, in order to strengthen the achieved results and to achieve better ones, the clinic’s specialists have elaborated a repeated course of treatment, which shall be undergone in June this year, otherwise the already achieved results could be lost and their development could be stopped.
We hereby ask you to donate in order to help girls to visit the St.Petersburg neurology center “Doktryna”, where clinic’s specialists would provide their consultations and the necessary treatment. Thanks to everyone who will help us to collect the necessary sum of money!