Toms is 2.5 years old, a very sweet and cheerful boy with Down syndrome. Toms is not developing like other children with this syndrome regardless of the various rehabilitation sessions.
At 7 months of age he had heart surgery, which was rare and not typical for this syndrome. Having spent a month in intensive care due to complications, the boy had to relearn everything. During this time he underwent many different rehabilitation sessions and his development is gradually improving, there is noticeable progress. Nevertheless, at 2.5 Toms is still unable to stand on his feet due to muscle hypotonia; due to speech and psychomotor delay he still doesn’t speak, cannot follow simple requests.
Upon the invitation of the society “Autism Support Centre in Rēzekne”, a neurologist from Saint Petersburg neurology centre “PrognozMed” visited Rēzekne, and having examined Toms, gave hope that with transcranial direct current stimulation and a complex course of treatment Toms will, too, one day say “Mom” and “Dad”, will be able to run together with his sister and brother and will continue making everyone happy with his charming and adorable smile.
Because we are a family with many children, apart from the help for Toms, the family has many other expenses for the education and care for the other children, thus we are asking for the help of fellow humans, within their means, to donate funds for Tom’s visit to Saint Petersburg for a 2 week rehabilitation session. We are grateful from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who won’t be indifferent and will lend a hand.